Tuesday, May 4, 2010

dear diary,

i am sitting in the library and cannot get anything done. i have a ten page paper to write, but instead i decided to write a blurp in my blog. blurb. haha. when i grow up i don't ever want to have to write papers. i don't really want to still be fascinated by facebook either. that's also what i'm doing instead of writing. my mom got a facebook. i'm happy for her because she's really into it, but now she can see all the kinds of trouble i get in via status or pictures or wall feed. she asks me, "what does wenchie mean?" i laugh. it's really hot outside today and there is a may 4th rally going on outside the window. i skipped class earlier becuase i was too busy hulahooping in the grass getting my picture taken by some weird guy with a huge lens. he interviewed me and asked if i was hulahooping for a cause- because of may 4th ya know? i lied to him and said i was. he asked me how i was affected by what had happened to those kids that got shot 40 years ago. i got camera shy and told him that i feel more free to do whatever i want (like hulahoop) now and that people won't look at me and call me a hippie for doing it. i think i am a hippie but not in the way that people like to call people in tye dye. i still like tye dye a whole lot. that reminds me i want a summer hair wrap now. see? hippie? if i had a lot of money i would buy two more pugs and move to india to work with the archaeological society on the restoration of temples and palaces/forts/etc. i think if anyone had a lot of money they could do the things that might take them a life time to do with their young bodies and able minds. me and my boyfriend were talking about this the other day. he is so dreamy. i like him because he is funny and can hold a good conversation and we both like the same things- funny how that works, huh? i like my good friends for the same reason. i hate my acquaintances likewise. well, i don't hate them, sometimes i feel bad that the only confrontation we've breeched is "hey, lets get fucked up now" ..."ok". some people i wish to be closer to. others, i feel like that elton john song 'candle in the wind'- it blew out long ago... i wonder who i will leave college with? like, who's still gonna be on my speed dial or even my contact list? will they be replaced by new people? who will i visit to spend a weekend catching up with? who will i continue to talk to on facebook ever so often just to see what they're up to and if i'm at par? will i care about that? i can say no, but maybe? all i know, right now, is i am going to enjoy my summer, with the people in my life who are here right now. feel the sun, play outside, maybe get some color (i'm not tanning this year- skin cancer, you know?), continue to hulahoop, get really good at it, be nice to all i meet, smile, laugh, and finish this goddamn 10 page paper.

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