Sunday, May 2, 2010

04/10 RAWKS!

Its a Sunday! Going out to celebrate birthday in advance later so i shall blog fast!

Ojayy came back on FRIDAY! WHOOTS! Trex and i rushed from our CCA to meet veron, ngo, kor, Pekpek and ahgong at 8.15pm at YCK station. Trex's one step was like my two steps luh, and his walking speed was my running speed. Totally shagged when i got onto the train. Ate dinner at the airport's foodcourt and the mince meat thingy with pork floss was kinda nice. Anw anything tastes nice when you're hungry. Went up to terminal 3 arrival place to wait for Ojayy with his birthday cake and wrote "WANTED WOONG SHIT XIANG" as a placard. LOL. Sang his belated birthday song without a candle coz we were afraid the fire alarm would go off in the airport. Saw his family there. And Ojayy took the last train home with us tgt. =) Welcome back LAO PEI!

Ytd was MAY DAY, Trex's CO concert and Wu Shu outing! Went to NEBO at AMK hub for our wu shu outing. Had buffet there ad watched "The spy next door" in the nebo room. Felt bored and went to the amk hub arcade beside nebo to play basketball and car racing while the seniors played Wii. Left early for Trex's CO concert.

Chionged home to change and met up with Chenyan, veron, kor, ahgong, Ojayy, martin at J8 at 5pm to buy Trex's bouquet. While waiting for ngo to come we went to play arcade and lost track of time LOL! Chionged to the mrt station and realised we forgot to collect our bouquet. -.- Camwhored all the way there and had lots of laughs =D Met many unexpected familiar faces when i reached SCH. =) The concert was great and i think AJ's CO is not as bad as i thought it was. Fav song was Prince of egypt <3!>
Spent 3hours uploading and tagging yts's photos this morning and realised i havent completed any homework since friday. O.M.G. Dont think 04 will be going for movie tmr coz of GPP presentation on tues. =/ crap. Ah...dun wanna let go of a school holiday where we could go out and have fun instead of chionging sch work!
Hope we can work things out.

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