Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today's as normal with the crappy 04 =D! Walao... Thought today got functions test loh... cheat my feelings luh...=(
Had the funniest laugh of the day when suman shared his chem prac script saying that his results are not anomalous because HE IS AWESOME. LOL?! Ms koh actually wrote : be serious with your work. I thought she was going to give him CWO or smth. Nice tcher =)
Had PW with bao zha tou....diao, i was messaging the entire period and i dunno whether she's ignoring it or blind. =/
Went for lunch with 04 after school at Macs, and watched football while eating. I WASNT EVEN LOOKING AT THE SOCCER BALL LA, THE PLAYERS ARE SO DAMN MUSCULAR CAN. Eh, i can imagine you, who's reading this now to be rolling ur eyes. I mean, muscular guys are like <3!!!!
Went to AMK library to study after that. Chen yan, Weiling, Ojayy and the guitar ppl left early =(, leaving behind me, veron, ngo, clare and pekpek! Today wasnt productive (not like it was ytd XD), played taptap ants on martin's iphone and this cool pain inflicting game(sadist. i know.) on ngo ngo's itouch. Went off at 6 plus to buy KOI's milk tea, and, 25% sugar is ENOUGH ppl!!! Stop drinking 100% sugar drinks! Its unhealthy!!!
Shall go back to my functions notes, and good luck to everyone with their functions test! =D

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