Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh, Jake

In my previous post, I mentioned just a few of my boyfriends. My favorite one, by far, and for the longest time, is Jake Gyllenhaal. And boy have I missed him. He hasn’t made the talk show rounds since November while promoting Brothers, and even then, he didn’t do many interviews. But Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time hits theaters May 28th and since it’s a Disney flick, I’m sure he’ll be out promoting it in full force. So I am getting my TiVo ready and spending a lot of time online reading all his latest interviews. This month he was featured on the cover of GQ here and in Russia.

U.S. version

Russian version
(Why are there two covers?)

Although this really isn’t my type of movie at all, I will be seeing it. I made that decision last year when this photo surfaced. While I'm not digging the long hair (I don't on anyone), Jake can never do wrong in my book.

(Side note: I never like him and Reece together. I love her independently, but they really bugged me as a couple. Also, I’m confused. She broke up with him because he took too much time away from her life with her children. Well, then why do I see pictures of her EVERYWHERE with her boyfriend of two months, Jim Toth? It’s totally ok by me. I don’t want her to reconnect with Jake. I’m just sayin’.)

And then I saw the trailer and movie stills and film posters and although I could care less about the plot, I got even more excited to see it.

You can bet that I’ll be at the movies over Memorial Day weekend for the release of this movie.

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