Saturday, April 24, 2010

I should be studying for my chemisty test. No idea why i'm here. =/ Had our PW groupings released on last week and i'm kinda happy with my new group. Theres me, Trex, shi ming, weilin and Zi jing. REALLY random. lols! Hope we can work veh well tgt in e future!

Friday was crap day again. Had lessons all the way till 12 plus straight without break. Kns. Hungry dao not hungry le. Chionged phy and chem prac like siao den headed down to J8 for pasta mania with veron, penguin, kor, ngo, pek, martin, chenyan and raymond! Went to take the circle line after that. Went back to AJ for Wu Shu, and guess what. Its our first lion dance lesson. O.O Almost went deaf banging those Ba (in chinese). Accumulated 95 PT for every wrong beat. Gotta clear it by next training. =( Went for dinner with wushu seniors and Alicia, Audrey and Yao jia at kfc. Kinda had many awkward turtles swimming around...luckily had someone to text with. The seniors made effort to crap and we kinda had fun. =) Headed home at 10 plus with Yongyuan and jiahao whom i just realised takes the same bus as me.

Saturday morning went shopping with mum. (again lol!) Then headed down to northpoint to meet veron, ngo, pek and Ko ye to study at RP. HAHA. Got lost in yishun library while looking for veron. And ngo was giving me this usual wth look when i found them. =/ Met up with ko ye at the mrt and he FLICKED his WET umbrella at us. How nice. Took 169 to RP. RP was like packed ytd luh so we had to study at the canteen with no air con. Not very productive though ended up playing pek's PSP and ngo's itouch. Went for dinner at Ajisen AND OUR MEAL COST LIKE $67.25 WADAPUCK? We can like eat 6 meals at some food court or hawker centre with the same price la. Reached home at 10 plus and slept like a pig.

Looking forward to next week:
1. Ojayy's returning!
2. Trex's CO concert!
3. Wu shu's outing!
4. More time with 04! =D

P.S. Veron! Get well soon!

Gotta study chem and do physics quiz! Tata.

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