Friday, April 30, 2010


I’m really not loving much new music or new artists these days. I’m a huge fan of pop music. Britney Spears is my all time favorite and in my opinion, no one can top her. No Doubt/Gwen Stefani and Lily Allen run a very, very close second. It’d have to be a photo finish between the three. Of the newer artists, I have to admit, I do love Lady GaGa. Her songs are poppy, catchy, dancey and fun. She’s so strange, but I like it. So anyway, I’ve been unimpressed lately. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that everything sounds the same. Songs are just copies of other songs. Check this out:

In My Head vs. Just Dance

Heart Heart Heartbreak vs. It's My Life

Even Lady GaGa has done it. Listen to the chorus in both songs.

So Happy I Could Die vs. Pocket Full of Sunshine

And here's a really old one.

Just Let Me Cry vs. Ex-Girlfriend

And then there is Christina Aguilera. Her new song sounds an awful lot like Britney and the video looks like  a combination of Lady GaGa and old school Madonna.

She's also been taking heat for copying GaGa's look. Here's an outfit she sports in her new video that GaGa wore last year.

I'm not the biggest fan of Christina. I usually like a few of her singles, but I never buy her albums. But I do think she is incredibly talented (even more so than my dear Britney) and doesn't have to hide behind the costumes or shock value videos.

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