Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Its wednesday and i'm home early again! =DDD

Had napfa 5stations on monday and i had 3Cs and 2As. It was our first time doing 5stations and its the test already. Wadaheck. AND i am still pissed at that male pe tcher for wad he said to chen yan. (*points little finger*) Think i'll like fail my 2.4km tmr. Hope i dun faint and die on the track.

Monday's chem test was screwed so was today's math test. Conclusion: i think i'm stupid. Ytd was chionging day, had to rush for lunch, rush for Ong's 'self study' session, rush for wushu, rush my PI, rush my math revision. And den today leh??? Kns, nth to do except physics and chem tutorial loh.

Wu shu training ytd was torture.... First session where coach taught us personally. The warm-ups were already like tearing my groin muscles apart alrready LA. Next, we lie on the floor and he pushes our leg horizontally upwards (like a split just that we're lying down.). WAKAO. My ass felt like splitting. And the seniors just sit there. Watch. Laugh. Nvm, i'll have my turn next year.

Today was as per normal wednesday. Had fun for PW period coz ITS A FREE PERIOD. Duh. Went neexus to slack then the guys suggested to go play soccer and basketball so we tagged along and watched. As i've expected, they got caught for playing in sch U. =) They think their CWO not enough har? So gonna get shoot by Ong tmr. Once again, 04 is being known as a rowdy class. =D

I'm so not looking forward to tmr. Watch. me. stone.

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