Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ITS 3.30PM.
It been such a long time since i reached home before 3pm. Feels weird not hanging out with 04. =( All of them have CCA today except for me. Why is my wu shu schedule so weird. Why does it have to be on tues and fri. Hmpf.
I skipped break to study for math test but ended up playing, no wonder i'll fail. -.- I screwed the test. =/ Hahaha, handed in late so minus 3marks, hmmm i think i'll get -3 luh. =)
Econs tutorial is as usual, boring. Zzz screamed at us girls for taking too long to go to the toilet. Hello, we need to take longer than guys because of our thingies u know. Was messaging veron, ngo ngo and brineh the whole lesson. The weather's really bad. Felt so warm the whole lesson, couldnt concentrate.
Was hungry the entire day and when it came to lunch, i dint eat. LOL. Shall try tomyam next time since veron says its nice. =D
Shall add more new songs to my blog's playlist.

Reply to tags: NN:Psps, correction to previous post. Its Arsal not suman. =) Argh, screwed the math test even with u there to copy. HAHA! i dint copy hor. Zhen de.

Gonna study at 4pm. Bye!

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