Friday, July 2, 2010

WOAH. Finally back after two weeks of consecutive mugging till 12 midnight every night. MID YEARS ARE FINALLY OVER!!! Shagged shagged shagged! Totally screwed all those papers even though i mugged really really really hard for them. Felt so damn demoralised. 04 went to play right after the test ended. Like a 16 ppl walking together u know. Freaking big bunch of ppl can. First went to amk jubilee subway for lunch. Bought Koi along the way. Then took train to city hall marina square to play bowling and pool then movie after that. To think we actually said to go for one of the 3 options only. XD Guess we really wanted to play like hell. After that went pizza hut for dinner at suntec, ordered the football field pizza thingy. Please la. It says on the menu that its for 4-6 ppl. BUT THE PIZZA IS SHO SMALL FOR A LARGE. Scam $$$ sia. Ojayy's like half full only and just sent an sms complaining that he's hungry. -.- Go arcade play awhile before heading home. Totally emptied my wallet today that contains $30+ dollars in the morning. Hope to see 04 again on the sentosa outing on sunday! (sad that i dint bring my cam)
Going out to watch eclipse tmr!!! ^^
OG outing on monday with lunch at pizza hut. (again) Then Brineh's fav Kbox after that. Its a youth day afterall. =D

Nights ppl. Oh and there's world cup. Guess a lot of ppl's staying up tonight despite how tired they are for these few weeks huh. Exams are over, enjoy urselves over this long weekend ppl! Take care of yourselves! Drink lotsa water! Esp that someone whose lips are cracking like crazy huh. Rest well people. =)

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