Sunday, July 11, 2010

when i was a teenager i was sad
trying to fit into pants a small child would wear
looking, but not touching
modeling myself off the holocaust
even though i know i was "blessed" with big hips
and my breasts were not made for a training bra
full-figured and fabulous?
hour glass or pear?

now as a twenty something
i find myself in a somewhat state
of dilemma (or denial)
trying on clothes
but only buying shoes and handbags
until i can buy those pants the same size
as the ones i kept in my drawer
(as a promise to myself)

i have a new found love for divine culinary experiences
fine dining
and good beers

but to look good/ too skinny,
eat cheese and drink 9% beers
my metabolism is laughing
because exercise is not as much fun
as being lazy and drunk,
eating junk food
and convincing myself
that i'll start

i will allow myself to be "fat",
i was skinny all my life
now it's time
i lived a little!

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