Wednesday, July 14, 2010

watery wednesday: Rainbow Warrior

Auckland Port where the Rainbow warrior was bombed and sunk by the French.

On Saturday, New Zealand remembered the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Port by The French twenty five years ago. The Greenpeace ship was about to go protest the French's nuclear testing in Moruroa. Fernando Pereira, a photographer was drowned on the sinking ship.

I remember sitting in the lounge with my baby daughter that winter evening. There was a news flash, and I was in disbelief. Since then, I was very interested in the work of Green Peace.

In 2000, we came back from Singapore to tour New Zealand, my girls were asking for Deli france. I took them to the waterfront where they were remembering the 15th year of the sinking of Rainbow Warrior. I told them, Delifrance won't stand a chance in New Zealand.

Today, Greenpeace is now channeling their effort to climatic change. Rainbow Warrior 2 is old, and there is a need for a third ship.

Dear Ann,

I wrote to you last week with a special request to help build the Rainbow Warrior III. I'm pleased to report we've had a great response from New Zealanders, and have raised over $40,000 so far! But we've still got a way to go.

On Saturday, it was the 25th anniversary of the Rainbow Warrior bombing in Auckland Harbour. Friends and crew members of the Rainbow Warrior, past and present, gathered here at our Auckland office.
You will love this video

We commemorated the past, but we also looked forward to the future. 25 years ago, the world was in the grip of the cold war and nuclear weapons were the biggest threat we faced.

Now, in 2010, climate change is undoubtedly the biggest threat. And like nuclear testing, it's the Pacific that is bearing the brunt of the problems caused by wealthy and powerful nations.

The Rainbow Warrior defended the Pacific from nuclear testing, and we now urgently need a new Warrior - to help defend our world from climate change.

In the story of a ship that has meant so much to our country and our region, you can help us write the next chapter. You can help ensure her legacy continues and you can be a part of the legend.

Yours sincerely,

Bunny McDiarmid
Executive director
Greenpeace NZ

Click here to watch a video of history the Rainbow Warrior, you don't have to make a donation.

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