Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hell day thurday again. Had pe today.Okay it was not as tiring as i though it would be. Had height and weight taking and guess wad? I GREW 1CM. HAHAHAH! But i got fatter by 0.5Kg. Ran a total of 6rounds and did dips and crunches, oh and we cheated for our pumpings. Meaning we skipped it and said we did it. ;) Guess i gotta treasure the time that i have with 04 every thurs after pe before Wushu training starts on thurs too in august. =/ Gonna miss the fun every thurs after pe and crapping. Finally opened the my damned locker after...Ojayy, Trex and ngo tried to and guess who won, pekepk opened it. Like WOW. But wth, the chewing gums inside melted or exploded i dunno. Theres just grey substance all over the gum containers. Eee. Mass civics today wasnt boring for the first time. Theres this guy from ACRES: Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Singapore) that came to have a talk bout giving animals a voice. I think he's really awesome. We dont get that many of such kind of ppl nowadays in such a materialistic world. Well, just fark all those bear poaches and ppl practicing animal cruelty. Screw you. Guess you dont want to be stabbed everyday to get your bile, go crazy and bang your heads on metal, all you want to do is starve yourself and die, or get your paws or penises cut off to be sold at like what? thousands of dollars? Screw you.

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