Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yellow Mellow Monday/Thursday Theme Song: Trikids.and Triathlon

Tri Kids NZ, more fun photos from Mark Weedon.
Triathlon Song
You don't have to be first,
You don't have to be last.
You feel so good.

You just have fun, that why Mark teaches the kids.

hootin--anni has a new meme.

September 7, 2003 - my first triathlon. I couldn't move for three days and was hooked. Two and one-half years and forty-some events later, I feel that it's a sport in need of an anthem. This song evolved during the ennui of seemingly endless (to me!) 5 and 10K runs, its tempo precisely matching my running cadence. Though intended to inspire and exhilarate, a brief glimpse of my true feelings about racing is provided in the last line.
by Mark Winholtz.

Mark's commentary reminds me of my own running the Singapore Quarter Marathon in 2005. I trained for 4 months everyday. Once the event was over, I didn't run again. Just got my certificate to show for it. May be the next time Mark comes to school, I will do my marathon again. This time, 1/2 marathon, perhaps.

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