Monday, April 18, 2011

Music Monday – S&M

I liked this Rihanna song just fine when I first heard it. But then she remixed it and added Britney. Now I LOVE it. It kind of sounds like Britney is singing with a head cold, but I still think she sounds great. I’ve been listening to it on repeat for a few days now. Enjoy!

Rihanna featuring Britney Spears - S&M Remix

Just one night full of sin
Feel the pain on your skin
Tough, I don’t scream mercy
It’s your time to hurt me

If I’m bad tie me down
Shut me up, gag and bound me
Cause the pain is my pleasure
Nothing comes better

Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me

And while we're here talking about Britney, have you seen the dance version of her video for Till The World Ends? I really like it. She looks great, but it isn't much different than the original video and there's not a whole lot of dancing.

She's just not moving the way she used to, is she? Check this out.

I still got mad love for you, Brit!

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