Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weds 27th April: "ThreeDee" at Jaguar Shoes Collective

The latest exhibition to take over the walls at Shoreditch destination "Jaguar Shoes" is "ThreeDee" - a group show of new talent's work printed in 3D. The illustration and graphic design translated in wall sized images, screen prints, animations and sculptures have also been produced in a limited edition 3D booklet in sister store No-one. Whether you make it down to Jaguar Shoes or just look at the prints, you'll need a pair of 3D specs ........... I particularly love the larger than life version made for the show by Kyle Bean. For the opening night everyone was handed a pair along with some 3D theme cocktails ........ the photos from the night can also be seen to full effect in the same way. Here you can see curator Vickie Hayward (center) who I asked what inspired the ambitious idea:

"I had wanted to produce a show in anaglyph for a few years but hadn't quite found the right person to approach. So when I was looking for new artists to join our collective this year it seemed like the perfect match. 3D connotes a futuristic notion and we hope that many of them will become part of our forthcoming exhibitions and products. The brief also meant that the artists could produce the work they wanted to and the end result would still a work as a complete and coherent product."

Above you can see highlights of work by Rosy Nicholas, Paul Parker, Toby Evans, .......the complete list of other artists participating is Annu Kilpelainen, Audrey Roger, Christopher Wright, Kyle Bean, Liam Sparkes, Nicos Livesey, Matthew Bromley, Rob Whoriskey , Sam Coldy and Tim Ryan.

DreamBagsJaguarShoes, 32-34 Kingsland Road, London E2 8DA +44 (0) 20 7729 5830

All Photos: Jeff Metal

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