Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A wee bit of me

I’m linking up with Leigh Ashley today for We Bit Wednesdays.

{one} have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
No, but almost every time I get in one, I’m afraid I will be. Especially if I’m alone. Or have to pee.

{two} have you ever ridden on an elephant?
Nope. I don’t know that I would want to either.

{three} have you ever met a well-known celebrity?
Jared Leto. Read about it here. Also, the guys from the band Phantom Planet, the singer from Reel Big Fish, the singer from Orgy, and the singer from The Specials. Also, a bunch of Seattle Mariners.

{four} do you have any food allergies?
Nope. I was allergic to cherries as a kid, but grew out of it.

{five} do you know how to sew?
Not at all. I wish I did. I just don’t have the time or patience to learn right now. Maybe someday…

{six} did you get an allowance when you were young?
Yep, but only if we did out chores and it wasn’t very much.

{seven} how often do you fill up your gas tank?
About every ten days.

{eight} have you ever been stung by a jelly fish?

{nine} have you ever been robbed?
Not robbed, but someone stole my purse in high school. That was probably my fault for not keeping a close eye on it. And someone stole my cd case with about 60 cds in it at a party when I was 19. Again, should have kept a better eye on them.

{ten} what is the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
For some reason, all my friends went through a short hair phase when we were 18/19. We all loved Jenna Elfman's hair. Mine looked awful and took forever to grow back.

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