Thursday, April 28, 2011


The whole world is talking about the upcoming royal wedding. It's no secret that I love Prince Harry over William, but I do think Wills is a great guy. I just kinda wish William looked as good as the actor that played him in the Lifetime Original Movie, William & Kate. I would watch that guy play Prince all day, every day. (Did you watch that movie? Kate was so annoying! I hope she's not like that in real life). I do plan on watching the wedding tomorrow. I fancy myself an Anglophile.

noun /ˈaNGgləˌfīl/
A person who is fond of or greatly admires England or Britain

I love everything about England; the culture, the history and especially the city of London. I visited in 2007 and thought I’d share some of my pictures with you.

Albert Memorial in Hyde Park

The National Gallery/Trafalgar Square

Me, in a phone booth

Westminster Cathedral

Church of St. Peter aka Westminster Abbey

Queen Elizabeth II

Houses of Parliament/Big Ben

 The London Eye

 Buckingham Palace

Clarence House (where Charles and Camilla live)


The Gherkin and Port of London Authority Building 

Tower of London

Tower Bridge

After NYC, London is my favorite city in the world. I can’t wait to get back someday. Today, on Royal Wedding Eve, Nolan and I decided to make some scones.

They were a hit!

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