Sunday, April 10, 2011

Photohunt: Tree: Rambutan

See the fruit? It is called Rambutan. Rambut in Malay and Iban means hairy. The fruit is called hairy fruit.

My parents were in the generation where Chinese people were not a huggy or kissy lot. This fruit was to me that my parents loved me very much. That was before allergies was fashionable.

Dad didn't earn very much money. When the champadak and jackfruits were in season, he would buy a whole big jackfruit. He would then buy a small bunch of rambutans for me.

My younger siblings would not understand why I was special and try to snatch them off me. Mum had to explain that I got a headchne when I smelt the jackfruit. That was why I was eating my rambutans in the little balcony and not I was hiding from the others. By the way, there were nine of us, and Dad could not afford to buy both the jackfruit and the rambutans.

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