Monday, November 8, 2010

Yellow Mellow Monday: westgate shopping mall

I was interested to see this sign at a shopping mall at Massey, West Auskland.

Once I was with my daughter and my uncle D. We had just entered a shopping mall in Westfield, Mt Albert when loud alarm bells sounded. There were no security guards or fire marshalls to tell the shoppers what to do. Some left, and some just stayed.

After a while, we heard fire appliances. Uncle D said, it was time to go. By then, the car park was full of cars causing quite a jam. I don't remember seeing this shopping mall with a evacuation sign.

New Zealand is an earth quake prone country. Two months ago, no body would have thought that Christchurch would be struck with a 7.4 Richter scale earthquake.

Recently I was involved in a conference/summit meeting for two days. If we left the centre, we had to inform the management. It was precaution, just in case.

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