Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday and Source Code

My husband is out Black Friday shopping, trying to score a computer for himself, a flat screen tv for our bedroom and possibly an iPod Touch for Nolan. Yes, for our two year old. I'm sick of letting him play with my iPhone only to find out from numerous friends that he called them. It’ll technically be Jacob’s iPod, but sometimes I need Nolan to be quiet (in waiting rooms, while I’m on the phone, etc) so Nolan will probably play with it the majority of the time.

What? Doesn't everyone else shop on Black Friday for themselves? Since we just bought a house and have been spending money like crazy, we decided to skip presents to each other this year. So the things Jacob picks up today are our Christmas gifts, only one month early. I think we're also going to get a generator. After a snow and wind storm hit us earlier this week and left us without power for two days, I feel like it'd be a pretty nice Christmas present for us. Being an adult is so boring!

Anyway, I’m hanging out at home in my pjs, totally relaxed. While doing some online shopping, I discovered the trailer for Jake Gyllenhaal’s next movie, Source Code.

Looks good! I like that Jake still does movies my husband will want to see. By the way, I don’t have to drag him to Love and Other Drugs. I’m seeing it with a friend this afternoon. And now my life (and blog) can return to it's regular scheduled programming. The media blitz for his movie is finally over. Until Source Code hits theaters, I'm sure my Jake posts will be limited. Unless he does something stupid that I have to comment on, like, continues to date Taylor Swift. Which he has. In London, Brooklyn and even Nashville. UGH! She just announced a world tour. That should keep her busy and away from him for a while.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy and safe shopping out there today. And if you're already done, get some rest!

UPDATE: Love and Other Drugs was good! I laughed, I swooned, I cried. It’s not really a romantic comedy at all. There were funny parts, but it’s much deeper than your typical rom-com. I don’t know about Anne Hathaway though. She was pretty great in the movie, but I still can't seem to like her. Jake of course was adorable and hilarious and s-e-x-y. Great movie!

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