Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fives

Just Me and My Life

Five Random Questions

1. Describe your ideal Saturday.
Sleep in until 9:00 then get ready while my husband makes his amazing breakfast and gets Nolan ready for the day. We eat and then take off on an adventure. I love getting out and doing things as a family at least one day each weekend. Especially holiday or season themed activities. We get home by 2:00 for Nolan’s nap and I curl up on the couch to catch up on TiVo. I make a good home-cooked meal for dinner followed by family time, just playing with Nolan until his bedtime. Finally, Jacob and I would get cozy on the couch and watch a movie. It probably sounds boring to most, but it’s ideal to me.

2. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Apple pie or apple crisp. I don’t like Thanksgiving food. I generally eat a bunch of mashed potatoes and a few rolls for dinner. Super healthy! I don’t like pumpkin or pecan pie, so someone usually brings some sort of apple dessert.

3. What’s one of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?
We don’t really have any. Thanksgiving isn’t a very big deal in our family. When we were younger my grandma forced the entire extended family (she had ten kids!) to get together on Christmas Eve. No matter what. So Thanksgiving was just always an immediate family kind of thing. We all live in the same town and see each other just about every week as it is, so it’s never been a big holiday for us. We just sit, eat, chat, watch football, eat some more, clean up and go home.

4. Who does the cooking?
My mom used to do all the cooking. But for the past few years, it’s been a potluck kind of thing. My mom still makes the turkey. My dad makes a few of his delicious southern side dishes. And my brother, sister and I bring drinks, rolls, desserts, salads, etc.

5. Do you shop on Black Friday?
I have before, but I won’t this year. As a teen, I always had to work on Black Friday. When I got a real job, I always had it off and went out to get a few things, but I never stood in line at 4:00 am for doorbusters. But I think those days are behind me. My husband has to work on Black Friday and there is no way I’m taking a two year old out in that madness!

Wow, I sound like such a downer this week. I swear I’m a happy person and I do love holidays. I’m just more excited for Christmas!

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