Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear John

Long time since i blogged ever since pre-promos to three weeks after the promos. Passed 2H2 and 2H1 subjects and i guess i'm not disappointed with the passings. But i hope i can do better next year, for me. The best part is, you get promoted too. That means another year. =)
Just watched the movie 'Dear John'. Its a war-film and theres something bout war-films that always make a movie good. Just like 'Tears of the Sun' and 'Black Hawk Down' this is another movie that i dont think i'll get tired of watching. I dont think anyone can understand a soldier, why they risk their lives for the country even though they have every good reasons not to and it reminds me of where you're going in two years. I'll miss you. Like i dont miss you enough already in school within these 7 days when you've fallen sick. You're getting well, and thats all i want for now. So, do your best for your OP next monday. Same for all the other JC1s, 04'10 and JC2s, all the best for the Alevels.

I really hope OP goes well for everyone. And for my group that has practiced so hard, you guys deserve your best performance on monday.

Well, tmr's Deepavali and Happy Deepavali to all those who celebrate this festival and thanks for the holiday. Nights everyone.

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