Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nvr really taken notice of this.

“The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person’s still gonna think the sun shines out your ass.” —Juno

Kirby Fantastic Four Covers

I was obsessed with these comics when I was a kid.I didn't start buying them until 1966. Before that I thought the drawings were too bizarre.Once I got hooked I wanted to buy all the back issues.Luckily, in those days there was always a garage sale every weekend where some kid would be selling all his comics for a penny each so I went and bought all the issues dating back to the beginning.It was

Converse All-Star x Dr. Seuss!

Okay, who knows where Dr. Seuss is from? From nearby Springfield, Mass! He's one of the most famous celebs we have from Western Massachusetts. Now that the Eric Carle Museum is nearby, maybe I can hope for some Hungry Caterpillar kicks too.... But back to the topic at hand: Converse has come out with some super cute and creative Dr. Seuss All Stars! I love 'em! Just sad there aren't any Thing 1's in my size...

Thanks to nitrolicious for the pics!

Some of the cutest ones are gonna be too small even for the female sneaker fiends with size 4 feet! But grab those Thing 1s for me...



Ytd's PW meeting at my hse was LOL. Met Shiming, Weilin and Zijing at 9am at Bishan mrt station(they were all late) then headed to my hse. Did our own parts till 12 plus when the pizzas came and went to eat. Trex came after that and then Dabor came and Ojayy came(supposedly to tank the pizzas but dint). My study room was like packed with ppl. Lotsa pizzas leftover. Then went for tuition with Dabor and Ojayy. Mr Looh looh is damn gay. Like seriously. I think he's still a virgin. I think kor's signing up for the same tuition today with Ojayy cause he dint have enough cash ytd to sign up. Yay! Sho many ppl in the same tuition! =D After tuition, chionged home to get Dabor's present and met him at the bus stop. Gave Dabor this black big round fat squishy soft toy. Hope you like it. Watched Socerer's Apprentice. Hmm i think its good but not the Blockbuster hit kinda good. But good movie, worth watching. Walked home from junction 8 after the movie and sat under the void deck near bishan park counting stars. Realised that if you stared long enough in the night sky, a lot of stars would magically appear. First glance wont do. And Singapore do have stars. =) Was really happy last night. Thank you.

Scenic Sunday: Jet ski


Jet skis can be a lot of fun. But sometimes those on them are reckless and cause trouble to other boaties, especially to the young and inexperience ones on tiny boats and kayaks. In New Zealand, authorities have reported jet ski riders coming too near to big boats without thinking how dangerous it is.

I took these jet ski photos when I was holidaying in Australia. They have no connection with the story reported in New Zealand below. You can draw your own conclusion.

Epic jetski journey starts tonight August 1, 2010, 5:48 am

Jeremy Burfoot has already circumnavigated New Zealand on a jetski to raise cancer awareness - now the airline pilot is taking his message 32,000 kilometres further.

Mr Burfoot sets out tonight on a mission to ride his jetski from London to Auckland. He will cross the North Sea to Rotterdam, ride the Rhine and Danube, head to Turkey, then Egypt, the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. After that he will hit Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, India Sri Lanka and Singapore, then travel on to Australia and finally New Zealand.

Mr Burfoot says he will be exhausted but ready to celebrate when he "hopefully" makes it to Auckland. Even his wife is calling him an idiot, but that has done nothing to dissuade the father of three.

"It is not just her, there are quite a few people saying that - and maybe they're right but you have to do these things. To get our cancer awareness message out there takes something unique to get people's attention".
Mr Burfoot's adventure is scheduled to start at 7 o'clock tonight.

why is this idiot being allowed to do this what a stupid waste of search and rescue cover for this nutter
just hope hes got all the safety gear and is able to pay the rescue bill...and is he towing a petrol tanker behind him ??

Margarine Vaqueiro

Margarina Vaqueiro, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Via Dias que Voam.

weekend reflection: Auckland at night">

This is Auckland City at night. You can see the Sky Tower. My cousin Alicia went across the Auckland Harbour Bridge to take this photo.

Thanks Alicia, my little Canon A530 can't take the photos I like.


For the last two Friday's I've been going to Tate Modern where choreographer and dancer Michael Clark is teaching selected members of the general public a dance routine to perform at Tate Modern's Turbine Hall. Last Friday I went as a spectator, but this Friday I joined as a participant with my friends art historian Claire Bishop, curator Catherine Wood and artist Silke Otto-Knap in learning a routine with other 100 improvised amateurs, that we'll hopefully perform there by the end of August!

Press Release
Tate Modern Live: Michael Clark Company

Widely considered as one of the most eminent and groundbreaking choreographers today, Michael Clark and his dance company transform the Turbine Hall into a space for experimentation and practice while they prepare a new work created in response to this monumental space. This unique display of live art provides an extraordinary opportunity for Tate visitors to witness the artistic process behind Clark's choreography.

Michael Clark is also inviting 100 members of the public to join weekly workshops with the company in July and August. The group of 100 untrained dancers will learn a piece of choreography to be performed en-masse over the August Bank Holiday weekend in the Turbine Hall in free public performances.

A programme of films and videos by Charles Atlas is presented in conjunction with Michael Clark Company's Turbine Hall residency.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Your Favorite Comic Titles

Alley Oop had the best dinosaur and jungle drawings.No one can forget Catman.Felix and the bulb-noses - a kid favorite.Henry was once beloved by millions. The "Funniest Living American". He doesn't have a mouth. Is he Popeye's bastard son?.Smokey Stover must be the wackiest comic ever. A big influence on Clampett.I love this Oswald drawing!Comics are for everybodyWalt Kelly Snow WhiteDon't you

Tourism Crisis in Guatemala

Tourism Crisis in Guatemala
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Rampant criminality is the main cause of the decline but a lack of "clear tourism development policies from the government" is also blamed.
Marco Antonio Barahona writing for comments that, "from any angle, tourism is one of the sectors that has been most hit by the various crises that have affected Guatemalans since 2008".

The steady increase in criminal violence, linked to both street crime and drug trafficking organizations, has led to alerts abroad and many governments are warning their citizens of the danger of travelling in Guatemala. It is common for large international tour operators to cancel reservations, excluding the country from their regular itineraries.

In addition to the decline in the number of tourists, tour operators and hotels have seen an increase in the cost of security by 10% and 12% respectively.

Guatemala: New Office for Promotion and Investment

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The couuntry and its products will be promoted abroad through an agency called 'Guatemala Trade and Invest' (GTI).
The new agency replaces the "Invest in Guatemala" office.

Erick Coyoy, minister for the economy, told Jessi Gramajo writing for Sigloxxi that, "the new agency will not only seek to attract investment, it will also aim to encourage trade".

tax reform

Thursday, July 29, 2010
The government will not insist on the approval of tax reform this year due to the current fiscal defecit.
Édgar Balselles, recently appointed Minister for Public Finances, announced the decision.

La reports comments from the Minister: "We plan to have a well developed proposal with short, medium and long term measures ready for 2011".

The country has one of the lowest rates of tax collection in Latin America.

Skywatch Friday: Rainbow"">

I usually do not wake up early, but I did yesterday because I had visitors. I made a strange discovery. Rainbows come from the water spout of my house and the pot of gold is hidden under my tree. I am like Chicken Licken, and I must go and tell the king. LOL

I was rewarded for my wakey wakey, rise and shine. There were two rainbows.

Ukrainian Ranger Mating Urges

Yes, every spring the Rangers come out of hibernation to spread their pheromones around the Urals.The garish males perform spectacular displays to impress the blander female of the species.Ranger Horst goes all out, puffing his breast, spreading his feathers and finally extending his perfume bladder which emits a pungent odor - offensive to we civilized folk, but quite pleasant to female Rangers

Blanco y Negro, Bourjois Babette nail polish, 1932

Click image for 550 x 737 size.

Summer's Not So Bad

I know, I know, I just said I hate it. But there are some things I look forward to every year. I guess I really just love living in a part of the country that has actual seasons. You appreciate each one and just as you are getting tired of the rain or cold (well, not me), the sun comes out. Here are many reasons I actually do like summertime.

The days get longer


Baseball games


Summer storms


Farmers markets




Movies in the park or the drive in

Frozen adult beverages


Sno cones

Summer blockbusters

 Flip flops

Eating outside

Street fairs

Bravo reality tv shows

Showtime and HBO shows

AC in the house and car