Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - 36 weeks

Well, I'm not going to be completely wordless today. I can't believe I'm nine months along now! Doesn't he look like a Van Gogh painting?

We chose our son's name a few months ago, but we still talk about baby names from time to time. We're always second guessing ourselves and making sure we both still like it. Which we do. But the other day we discussed the stupidest baby names we’ve heard. Then Jacob suggested we name our son Matt, but he wants to spell it M@. I laughed hysterically and though, wow, we’d be so original. I mean, except for P!nk, Ke$ha and the artist formerly known as Prince, you don’t see every day people with symbols in their name. Then it got me thinking, I totally bet that’s next. Ugh.

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