Thursday, January 13, 2011


I cannot believe I'm a thirty-two year old woman. The thing I can't believe even more is that I'm totally ok with it. I didn't feel weird, sad or strange when I turned 30 or 31, so I shouldn't be surprised that I feel just fine turning 32. I guess it's because I don’t have any regrets. I went to college, had a blast and got a great education. I quickly moved into my career. I got married, had a baby and I'm ready for my second baby to make his appearance in just a few weeks. I'm happy. I really love my life, my husband and my son(s). I guess that's why I don't think it's so bad to grow older and I'm ready to see what 32 has to offer.
Happy birthday to me!

My husband was pretty thoughtful and got me a bunch of gift cards so that I could go shopping after I have our baby. Ok, so gift cards aren't super thoughtful, but he couldn't exactly go buy me clothes right now. Plus, I love gift cards! I can't wait to shop for new non-maternity spring clothes. He did a good job.

It seems the world as decided to give me some birthday presents over the past few weeks also.

Britney's new song. I like it a lot, but I don’t love it. It doesn’t seem as strong as Womanizer or even Gimme More for a first song off a new album. But I’m excited because it’s new Britney music, I know it’ll grow on me and I can’t wait for her new CD out March 15! I have to say I really love the bridge in this song. 

Hold It Against Me

If I said my heart was beating loud
If we could escape the crowd somehow
If I said I want your body now
Would you hold it against me
Cause you feel like paradise
And I need a vacation tonight
So if I said I want your body now
Would you hold it against me

Jake and Taylor broke up. I knew this was coming, but I really didn’t expect it so soon. I didn’t hear anything about them celebrating each other’s December birthdays, Christmas or New Years together, so I was hoping they were done. They were together from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Hmmm…perfect timing for promoting his movie and her CD. Word on the street is Jake ended it because he just wasn’t that into her, he hated the attention from the media and the age and maturity difference was too huge. Well, duh. Sources say Taylor is really upset about it. That he just stopped calling her and made excuses about spending the holidays with his family. But that didn’t stop him before. Remember this cozy family Thanksgiving photo shoot weekend?

Whatever the reason, I’m glad it’s over. It was way too weird for me. Speaking of Taylor, have you seen her new Cover Girl commercial? I like her, I really do, just not with Jake. But this commercial is so awkward, awful and embarrassing!


This issue of Us Weekly will hit my mail box tomorrow. It's sort of ridiculous and you always have to take these stories with a grain of salt. But I don’t know how much I’ll continue to like Taylor if she starts writing songs about the heartbreak she suffered after her one month long relationship with Jake. She’s too dramatic!

The Social Network on DVD. I saw this movie in the theater and talked about how much I liked it right here, but now that I've watched it a second time in the comfort of my own home, it’s safe to say that I really do LOVE it. It could have been a boring movie about how Facebook was founded, but it’s so much more than that. I can’t get over Aaron Sorkin’s writing, David Fincher’s directing and the superb acting of the entire cast. Jesse Eisenberg and my new boyfriend, Andrew Garfield are perfection. I’m still so impressed that Armie Hammer played both Winklevoss twins. I didn’t know that when I saw the movie in the theater, so this time I was looking for mistakes in editing and there are none. Amazing. Justin Timberlake wasn’t spectacular, but he wasn’t terrible, which is saying a lot coming from me. (I still think he should stick to music and SNL). Plus, the boys are so easy on the eyes and insanely talented, it’s a nice movie for a girl to watch.

The Seahawks beat the Saints. And we’re moving on to play the Bears this weekend! Seriously though, the Hawks have sucked this year and have been named the worst team in NFL playoff history. But they played like a totally different team last Saturday and won 41-36. Love it!

Ryan and Scarlett are getting divorced. Here’s another couple that I thought had no business being together. I’ve talked about how much she bugs me here. He seems so normal and she seems pretentious without any real talent to back it up. Sure he’s beautiful and she’s beautiful, but that doesn’t make a perfect couple. I read that she dumped him and he’s taking it pretty hard, but he’ll get someone much better. Like, Sandra perhaps? Oh, how I hope it's true!

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