Monday, January 31, 2011

Music Monday - Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone

Baby is on his way sometime this week! I’m taking a break from blogging for a while to live my life and soak up every minute of my precious newborn. I'm sure I’ll be here sporadically, but probably not fully back for a while. I'll for sure be keeping up with you guys though! In the mean time, enjoy this song.

Glass Tiger - Don’t Forget Me (When I’m Gone)

You take my breath away, love thinks it's here to stay
There's still so much for me to do and I can't stop loving you
Oh, can this be true?

If you could see what I have seen, broken hearts and broken dreams
Then I wake up and you're not there, pain finds me everywhere
Oh, but you don't care

Don't forget me when I'm gone, my heart would break
I have loved you for so long, it's all I can take

Man, that is one good song!

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