Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday Theme Song: You so vain

hootin--anni has a new meme.
IT'S ALL ABOUT MY NEW MEME THAT I HOPE SOME WILL FEEL LIKE JOINING IN ON THE CHALLENGE AND THE FUN [at least I hope the weekly challenge will be fun!]. It's loosely based on song lyrics [recorded songs since the beginning of time to today] and associating them with photos of I've done in the past...If you click on the link above, it'll take you to the Meme's Homepage for rules and buttons. There will be a Mr. Linky Widget for each individual week also. Do consider joining me sometime. Hope to see it flourish in time.

I am doing a completely different take for this song. Just the chorus part on "You're so vain" I don't have a cat or a dog, but I often see dogs feeling very smug sitting in their owners cars, taken to places like beaches, parks, festivals. Then I see cats left to their own devices. I want to do this for all the cats of the world, singing this song, "You're so vain."

I went into a lot of trouble too.

I was snapping away someone's cat and now I have a secret. I walked to my blood test, and the technician told me not to put too much weight on it. But there was a cat,no, there were three. I whipped up my camera and started snapping. Before I knew it, I was bleeding badly, down to to my white top.

I went back to the diagnostic lab, they cleaned me up and put pressure on it. The one who saw me told the one who took my blood, " Your patient is bleeding badly."
They asked could someone come and get me. I said, I think my husband is still on the road. They told me to rest for a while before I walked home.

I didn't dare tell them or my family I was taking photos.
I am also sending this story to Madi, Japanese redneck and Gattina's cats, and all the cats in the world, Meow!

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (so vain)
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

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