Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A wee bit of me

{one} name one thing you worry about running out of.
Milk. I can’t live without cereal. We always have two gallons in the fridge and when we open that second one, we’re off to the store.

{two} what is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni. I’m boring.

{three} what is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?
Hmm…I’m not a big Harrison Ford fan. I’d have to say American Graffiti or The Fugitive. I think those might be the only ones I’ve seen.

{four} apple juice or orange juice?
Orange juice for sure.

{five} what’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
Take a nap or at least curl up in bed with a book or movie.

{six} what is the wallpaper on your cell phone of?
My boys cheering on the Seahawks.

{seven} do you have a favorite tv commercial?
This one:

{eight} what is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I’m not an adventurous eater. I’m really picky and generally only like things that four year olds like. But I did try escargot once. It was absolutely disgusting, but I was in France so I thought I should.

{nine} what is one piece of clothing you can’t live without?
PJ pants. I live in them. I don’t put on jeans until I have to leave the house. My husband is one lucky guy…

{ten} if you were a character from “lost”, who would you be?
I didn’t watch Lost.

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