Monday, January 17, 2011

Music Monday - Grow A Pear

I am ashamed to admit it, but I like Ke$ha. Well, I don’t like her. I think she’s gross, weird, not very talented and constantly looks like she needs a shower. But I like her music. It’s stupid, fun, catchy, annoying and entertaining all at the same time. I downloaded her latest EP last month and I pretty much love every song, which I can’t say about her first album. This song especially stood out for me. It reminds me of a guy I used to date. And doesn’t every girl just love to sing a bitchy song about her ex after he breaks her heart?

There is some controversy surrounding this song. Some members of the LBGT community are upset with her because although she claims to support the community (she wrote We R Who We R for them) they feel she is being a hypocritical towards the transgender community by writing a song so insensitive. I am an LBGT supporter. My best friend is a gay man. I really don’t think it’s offensive at all and he doesn't either. It’s stupid and immature, sure, but not really offensive. Come on people, relax!

Ke$ha - Grow A Pear

When we fell in love, you made my heart drop
Then you had me thinking ’bout you nonstop
But you cry ’bout this and whine about that
When you grow a pair, you can call me back

When I first met you, panties dropping
Every time I saw you, it was on and
One day you asked if we could just talk
And that’s the reason why I’m walking

Does it bug anyone else that she spells it P-E-A-R, when we all know she means P-A-I-R? Wait. What am I talking about, this is a girl with a dollar sign in her name.

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