Monday, January 31, 2011

Charles Loupot, Voisin Automobiles, 1923

Voisin Automobiles 1923, originally uploaded by paul.malon.

mellow yellow Monday, Balloon

This hot air balloon does not fly, but remains stationary as an advertising tool for this used car sales yard. Seen at New Lynn In West Auckland

Music Monday - Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone

Baby is on his way sometime this week! I’m taking a break from blogging for a while to live my life and soak up every minute of my precious newborn. I'm sure I’ll be here sporadically, but probably not fully back for a while. I'll for sure be keeping up with you guys though! In the mean time, enjoy this song.

Glass Tiger - Don’t Forget Me (When I’m Gone)

You take my breath away, love thinks it's here to stay
There's still so much for me to do and I can't stop loving you
Oh, can this be true?

If you could see what I have seen, broken hearts and broken dreams
Then I wake up and you're not there, pain finds me everywhere
Oh, but you don't care

Don't forget me when I'm gone, my heart would break
I have loved you for so long, it's all I can take

Man, that is one good song!

Scenic Sunday: Stone walls at Otuataua


Out at Mangere, at the Otuataua, there were miles and miles of stone walls. Some of the have crumbled, and farmers put an electric wire to prevent cows from crossing, and also deter adventurers like me.

The 100 ha Otuataua stonefields nearby are one of the few remnants of an original 8000ha of volcanic stonefields in the Auckland area, all intensively cultivated by early Maori settlers. The stones flung out in successive volcanic eruptions were used to demarcate garden plots and to warm the soil, extending the growing season for tropical crops like taro and kumara by one month.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

They call it puppy love

i gots a new puppy.
he's really, really cute.
his name is killer.
he's a sleepy Boston too!
i've fallen for another breed. pug luv till i die. now i guess i'll be rootin' for the celtics too.

Party On The Roof, 1934


Kurt Schwitters, reconstruction of the Merz Barn, 1947

archeological sculptures from the British Museum together with early XX century sculptures

Easter Island Sculpture next to a Henry Moore

Jacob Epstein's very virile alabaster Adam, 1939

Antony Caro's bench from his 1953 Whitechapel exhibition

Alfred Gilbert's monument to Queen Victoria, 1887 and Charles Wheeler's Adam, 1934-35 in the background

Frederic Leighton, Athlete Struggling with a Python, 1877

Barbara Hepworth, Single Form (Memorial), 1961

Henry Moore, Reclining Figure, 1951

Victor Pasmore and Richard Hamilton, an Exhibit, 1957

Anthony Caro, Early One Morning, 1962

Tony Cragg, Stack, 1975

Damian Hirst, Let's Eat Outdoors Today, 1990-91

Liam Gillick, Big Conference Platform Platform, 1990s (back left)

Rebecca Warren, Martin Boyce, Julian Opie, etc...

Gustav Metzger's Page Three Girls

Dog Eat Dog World

This past Friday I went to Happy Dog. It's located in the Gordon Square Arts District (the cutesy up-and-coming neighborhood located between Ohio City and Lakewood along the Shoreway). I had driven past Happy Dog many of times, but just figured it was a hole in the wall bar with nothing but booze and bar nuts. Boy was I wrong! Called Happy Dog because of it's signature item- hot dogs, this place boasts one hell of a doggone menu!

When you enter, there's stage to your right, booths along your left and round tables scattered about. Although seating is limited at the booths and tables, Happy Dog has a gorgeous hardwood racetrack bar. Happy Hour is from 5-7 M-F on domestic bottles (kinda blah for drink specials), but the they do have a great range of beers on tap to chose from, including indie darlings, Genesee & Pabst. Beers are about $2-4. Can't beat that! But enough about the beer. Let's talk food!!

I am and have always been obsessed with hot dogs. I love hot dogs. I love things that come on hot dogs. And in my opinion, the more toppings and condiments on my hot dog, the better. Which is why I instantly fell in love with Happy Dog. 50 toppings to chose from on a quarter pound special recipe hot dog or veg-vegan friendly Italian sausage in a poppy seed bun. This American dream is enough to make your eyes tear up with excitement and your tummy shout "hot-dayuum!" I went all out on my first ever Happy Dog experience. My toppings included: Cajun Mayonnaise- Remoulade, Bourbon baked beans, Habanero picked red onions, Bacon spiked southern style greens, smoked gouda cheese, Caribbean coleslaw & Chorizo chili! You can choose between tater-tots or french fries for your feast accompaniment, so in light of middle school cafeteria nostalgia, I chose tater-tots with free sides (there are many to chose from as well) including Black truffle honey mustard, Saffron aioli, Brazilian chimichurri, Marcella's grape jelly and chile sauce and Oaxacan red chile and chocolate mole (my fav!). I should take a moment to say that you can get AS MANY TOPPINGS on your dog and YOU WANT at NO extra price! Hot dogs are only $5 and taters/fries a mere $2.50.

Overall, I give Happy Dog an A++! The friendly, local atmosphere, along with the laid back decor and Friday Polka music gave this place its own unique charm. They have bands play often and I can imagine it's a great place to see some local talent. Just make sure you get there before 9pm because that's when the kitchen closes. Parking can be a little tricky, although they do have their own extremely small parking lot. Best of the best however, is obviously the food. If you can dream it, you can eat it at Happy Dog!

5801 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102-3001
(216) 651-9474

Valentine's Day Sneakers: Keep it or Scrap it?

Every year sneaker brands put out their own spin on valentine's day sneaker. You get the same old boring ass colorways which is pink and red and then they top it off with some wack hearts. Like these:

Then sneaker companies often release foolishness like this:

Now with sneakers like these being released every year, I say scrap the V-day releases. Sneaker companies would definitely cut their losses by doing so. But to all my fiends out there what do you think? Should sneaker companies keep it or scrap it?

pics via: Sneaker News

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Doggie Mommy Suckles His Young

Mother Nature is amazing.The mammalian teat is such a utilitarian and beautiful piece of equipment.As are other things.

Photohunt: Standing

The pirate at the Block house bay beach is standing tall so the children can enjoy themselves.


Craig Garrett

Catherine Lampert

crowd at the opening

Press Release:

Victoria Miro is delighted to announce an exhibition of new paintings by Varda Caivano, her second solo show with the gallery. Evocative, elusive, and exuding a quiet confidence, Caivano's paintings present a series of explorations of the medium and the language of abstraction. In her practice, abstraction undergoes a rigorous examination, reinforcing this painterly territory as fluid, undetermined, and open for constant re-evaluation.

Caivano's works are the result of an extensive decision-making process, each brushstroke and colour conceived in relation to the one that came before within the particular space of the canvas. Yet arrived at is not simply an object - a painting - but an encounter: with memory, desire, emotion; something within grasp yet just out of reach. Conveying a sense of the improvised, each canvas contains it's own painterly journey - the collection of marks in unision reveal the whole as greater than the sum of its parts.

The artist's subtle play between surface and depth, material and image, colour and texture registers a tension between the familiar and the unknown, akin to an experience of language forgotten and almost remembered, or a melody lodged deep in the unconscious. Suggestive of liminal spaces, each work bears a decentralised composition held together by its own resonant energy: paint is pushed and pulled across the canvas, built up and withdrawn, lapses and drifts and, suddenly, announces its place. Importantly, time is key to the making and viewing of Caivano's works, as the structure of her paintings is seemingly always in transition, something that unfolds and is still unfolding.

Varda Caivano was born in 1971 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and graduated from Royal College of Art in 2004 with an MA in Painting. Her paintings are included in the British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet, which will be on view in London at the Hayward Gallery from 16 February. Other recent exhibitions include Collection 2 - Focus on Recent Acquisitions, National Gallery of Osaka, Japan (2010); Resonance, Suntory Museum, Osaka, Japan (2010); East End Academy: The Painting Edition, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2009); M25 Around London, CCA Andratx Art Centre, Majorca, Spain (2008); Busan Biennale, South Korea (2008); Very Abstract and Hyper Figurative, curated by Jens Hoffmann, at Thomas Dane Gallery (2007); and solo exhibitions at Chisenhale Gallery, London (2007) and Kunsterverein Freiburg (2006). Varda Caivano is a recent recipient of the prestigious Abbey Award, British School at Rome and she will take up the fellowship during 2011.

Jim Tyer Comic

Mykal Posts a lot of great old comics and here're some previews of a story from "Ha Ha" featuring your favorite Jim Tyer character, Pete the Parrot.I wonder how Tyer developed this drawing style?It's so unique - and a more elaborate variation of his animation style.This issue of "Ha Ha also features a black and white page of a Dan Gordon comic.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chicos Spanish Peanuts, 1929

Chicos Spanish Peanuts, 1929, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Click image for 674 x 868 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".

Bum Fun

This toy must have been based on Popeye's prison life.

Ten years

Today is my TEN YEAR anniversary! Not our wedding anniversary though. We’ve only been married for four and a half years. But Jacob and I began officially, exclusively dating ten years ago. We started off and on dating almost thirteen years ago! It blows my mind that I’ve been with him and so in love all this time. And I can’t believe we are that old. I still remember hanging out with him in homeroom.

Wanna know the story? Let’s go back. Waaaay back. Jacob and I first met in third grade when my parents rented his grandparents’ house. He swears he doesn’t remember this. He was too busy playing basketball and hanging out in the woods with his real friends to notice his temporary neighbors, especially girls. I don’t blame him, we were only there for three months. But as kids who moved around a lot, my siblings and I tend to remember every little detail about every house we’ve been in. Most likely because our world was turned upside down with every move. But each move was always for the better and we met some great friends and had good experiences along the way. Ah, Lifetime Original Movie right there.

Ok, back to me and Jacob. In middle school, we sort of new each other. He dated (how do you date in 8th grade?) one of my friends, so he came around every once in a while at lunch or whatever. Basically, we were acquaintances. During our junior year in high school we became actual friends and about half way through the year, really good friends. Soon after graduation we were best friends. We even went on a few dates when we were in between relationships with other people, but it never led to anything serious. Here is a picture of one of those random dates about thirteen years ago.

Ten years ago I was going to school at Western Washington University, living with two of my closest friends.

But I was really missing my best friend. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Jacob came up to visit a few times and really expressed his interest in me. I blew him off, not wanting to mess anything up with my best friend. Plus, we had nothing in common and I was away at school, so how would a relationship even work? But one day, it just hit me - I did want to be with him. So on January 28, 2001, while walking hand in hand around Bellis Fair Mall, I just point blank asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. My real, official boyfriend. He asked, “Really?” And soon after said, “Yes.”

We’ve had a few bumps along the way, just like every other relationship. Starting out with a new boyfriend who lived 100 miles away was challenging. Maintaining that long distance relationship for almost two years wasn’t always easy. Moving in with each other after I graduated was a tough adjustment. Then there were my emotional meltdowns and pre-wedding jitters before we got married. But we stuck by each other and seem to have got the hardest times out of the way. We are truly happy, very much in love and have remained best friends. Plus, we got Nolan out of the deal, and another baby on the way. Best. Prizes. Ever.