Monday, June 14, 2010

Wa, veh long neh blog lerhh. =/ Haha, also dunno wad i was busy with. Maybe coz my mum's nagging at me for using the com for too long. Found this sweet hand drawn comic on someone's tumblr, i think its written on the top right of the comic. DAMN sweet can.... aww. Anyway, tmr's CHALET!!!! =D Looking forward to it since dunno when luh! Hope it'll be fun. Going to bring my physics and chemistry notes there to study. (i know what u're thinking, but oi, its worth giving it a try hor) Hoping that wei lin will be staying overnight tmr. Dun wanna sleep alone tmr night.

Had PW meeting at 10am ytd in school. Phew, glad that we finished most of it and can hand up by today. Went for Subway with Weilin and Trex then headed home. And,
I'm sho sho sho SHOOOO SORRY i dint wish u ytd. D: Dui bu qi...

Watched Karate Kid last Thursday with Dabor, Ojayy, Kor and Hilmi after their shooting competition. Though you guy's scores arent veh good, jia you! (Nvr let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game - Cinderella story) Karate Kid's a really great movie. You know the above average kind? Not ur everyday comedy flick. If you've not watched it you should. =) I wanna watch The Killers!!! But same time! =(

On last Friday, went to IT fair with Dabor, Ojayy and kor at Suntec to look at laptops that Kor wants to buy and for Ojayy's family jewel. LOL. That music speaker thingy la. Went arcade after that then went home. Its okay if you dint make it, you still have 04! Whenever you wanna go out and have fun just text us and we'll be there. XD

Oh yeah, and i dyed my hair. And i think the colour's veh obvious. Dunno how i'm gonna pull it off on the first day of school. =/ Used that Liese bubbly thingy with my jiejie when she couldnt finish the entire bottle. Aiya, leave it to school reopen den worry luh.

Gotta go eat lunch den study. Bye.

Maybe i'll blog later if i find something interesting to share.

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