Sunday, June 20, 2010

Okay i'm feeling veh bored and i plan to start studying physics after dinner. Was surfing the net just neow and saw these few freakin funny edited pictures of taylor swift. ITS JUST A JOKE OKAY. I love taylor swift and justin bieber but these two pictures are hilarious.

Okay heres another from miley cyrus. XD Man... her facial expression rocks. I was just wondering whether justin bieber would every break his voice. I mean look at how old he is. He's way past the voice breaking age, but his songs does sound nice. Used to think it was a girl singing on radio.

Watched Avatar for the second time ytd with my sis after buying the dvd. I can nvr be sick of watching it. The effects are just beautiful luh. I think i've a liking for battle scenes. Movies like Lord Of The Rings, Troy, King Arthur, Alexander, Gladiator and gore movies such as resident evil are like nvr boring can.

Okay enough jokes, i find taylor swift inspiring though. I mean if she can create such great songs by taking words from her diary and lyrics. She's talented for her age. Who the hell knows what is country music before she came in with her music. And screw Kanye. Screw him. If beyonce is better, the award would have been given to her.
Another inspirational quote from taylor swift:

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