Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our house is a very, very, very fine house

We saw a house for sale way back in November that we loved. We went to see it with our realtor in December and put an offer on it then and there. Although it was a short sale we were willing to wait because we really, really loved it. It was 3500 square feet in a subdivision in a great part of town.

Also in December we sold our house to my parents (they got three foster kids and their little two bedroom “retirement” home wasn’t going to cut it anymore). We lived at my bother’s house in January and February while he was working out of town. Then we moved into an apartment in March, where we continue to live now. Over the past month, my husband and I have been very frustrated with the whole buying process. Banks don’t have to follow any timelines when selling a house as a short sale. And something just seemed fishy about our case. It had gone through three different adjusters before the file was finally wrapped up and headed to the board for a vote. That was supposed to happen four weeks ago and we still haven’t heard anything. So last week, we gave up. We need a house and we’ve waited too long for this one. It just didn’t seem like our offer was going to be accepted anymore. And even if it was, the bank could take it back up until the day before closing if a better offer came along or if they changed their mind. We aren’t willing to take that risk and waste more time. So we pulled our offer. It just wasn't meant to be.

Now we’re moving forward with Plan B: building the exact same house on a half acre lot in the next town over. Although I wasn’t thrilled at first about living there, I really do love the house and since it’s huge lot, we won’t feel claustrophobic in the subdivision. Plus, it’s across the street from a really nice golf course, so it’s in a quiet area with lots of trees, walking trails and no traffic. My husband has a few co-workers who live there now and they have nothing but good things to say about it. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood where Nolan can play outside with his friends all day and ride his bike in the street, just like I did as a kid.

Also, when I go back to work in a few years, I’ll most likely be working in that city again. I was a paralegal and it’s where our Superior Court is located as well as 80% of the county’s law firms. My husband’s morning commute will be a piece of cake because he is a supervisor and works earlier than most people. His afternoon commute will be a little longer because of traffic, but it won’t be any different than if we moved to that first house. Plus, he teaches at his gym twice a week, so he'll miss the evening traffic altogether.

We signed all the paperwork last week and got to design the inside by picking out our carpet, floors, cabinets, counters, paint color, molding, light fixtures, sinks, showers, etc. Fun! Although the house won’t be ready until late October, we’re so happy and excited that we finally have a plan. This apartment living is driving me crazy. There’s a reason I haven’t done it since college! This is our lot:

And look, we already have a neighbor.

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