Thursday, June 24, 2010

Photohunt 219: Purple

I teach young primary students. The junior girls tell me that pink and purple are their favourite colours. The boys tease the girls that those are girly colours. Recently on our consumer rights TV program, "Fair Go", a school girl wrote to "Fair Go" that stores only sell pink and purple and she has nothing to wear. Most of the companies were not very co-operative. They respond that overseas girls like pink and purple, and they just follow the trend.

Actually, when I was young, I liked purple too. I remember Dad took me to buy a pair of shoes when I was 14. I came home with a 1 inch silvered heel and purple shoes, and my oldest sister said it was ugly. I replied," I like it and it is me who is wearing it."

Do I still like purple? Yes. They are nice and soft. Since I have been blogging, I have noticed lots of God's creation are purple. Purple Lissianthus Flowers This is one of my favourite now, because my daughter G likes it and she gives it to me.

Last summer, I took Sam to the Star Dome, and I took these. There are plenty of purples in outer space. I will be happy there.

Finally, this is just one sample of my beautiful Hydrangea. It gives me warm memories of my Grand dad. He went to Borneo in his twenties in the early 1910s, so had much memories of China. He told us of this embroidery flower aka SAO JAO FA. In the old days, girls would embroider this ball and give it to her sweet heart. In more dramatic "Chinawood" style, she would be up the balcony of her house and throw it to the guys waiting in the garden. The guy who picks it up would be her husband. Of course, in real life, this would never happen, as guys and gals were arranged to be wed by their parents. My Grand Dad was an old romantic. This plant did not grow in Borneo. I once had a small plant with small balls of flowers in Singapore, and I had sweet reminiscences of my Grand dad.

This is my story, and I have told this to many of my fellow bloggers. I had a row of beautiful light coloured hydrangea. My friend who is a florist was happy to come to get some because of it's light colour blends very well with other flowers. One day, when I came home, my hedge had been given a complete make-over. It was bald, my husband went to ask him why he did it. The "blade happy" old man said, he felt more secure now the hedge is gone. His neighbour was burgled and he didn't like burglers hiding behind my hedge. We left it at that, the trouble is he continues to cut the hedge and the poor plants are almost dead. To keep the neighbourly peace, I decided to let him do what he wants. I can look back in my photos and also those of my fellow bloggers.

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