Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last month I saw “The Back Up Plan” starring Jennifer Lopez.

Terrible movie. I mean, really bad. I don’t like many romantic comedies, but I’m a sucker for one that stars J.Lo. This one was absolutely awful. Lopez was adorable and sweet (as usual), but there was something way off with the rest of the cast. Instead of one quirky friend, every single character was quirky and weird, including the leading man. It was very hard to watch. In a scene where “Zoe” meets her love interest at his farm, she is wearing these amazing oversized eyeglasses.

I need them. I don’t really know if they would work well with my face, but man they are adorable (get it now? aDORKable). Of course this trend has been around for a while, but I'm loving it and wanting it and noticing it every where.

Amber from Parenthood

Crazy Kelly Bensimon from The Real Housewives of NYC

Britney Spears

Molly Sims

I've been wearing "nerd" glasses for the past few years, but not oversized ones.

I only take out my contacts and wear my glasses once or twice a month, but I might wear them more often if I had a pair of these babies: 
                              Tom Ford                            Selima Optique   

Gucci                                   YSL
I ended up buying a fake pair at Forever 21 to test out. My husband thought they were ridiculous and tried them on to be funny. The sad thing is, he looks much better in them than I do.

By the way, this trend is very hot on guys right now, too. Of course my favorite nerd, Brad Goreski, has been rocking them for a long time.

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