Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Fives

Just Me and My Life

1. If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
Well, since I don’t have a job, I’m going to have to pretend that I get an entire day without my son. First, I would sleep in until 10:00. (My little man likes to be up promptly at 6:30 to start his day). Then I would lie around and watch TiVo, make waffles and finally shower around noon. I’d probably go to Target. Even though I do it every week and Nolan is pretty good when we go out and about, it would be so nice to shop alone and take my time. I’d meet up with my best friend, Anthony to get dinner and probably see a movie or go do something fun downtown Seattle. Then I’d come home late, plop on the couch and watch more TiVo until I fell asleep. I know, I know, not very exciting.

2. If you could start fresh, what profession would you choose?
I would love to be an interior designer. But I don’t know how well I’d do. I would want everyone’s house to be decorated to my taste, which I’ve been told by many people, is too minimal. What? I don’t like clutter!

3. What is your favorite candy or candy bar?
Caramel Hershey’s Kisses. Hands down.

4. Have your ever ordered anything from an infomercial or bought an "As seen on TV” item?
I have! Check out this post.

5. What’s the movie you ALWAYS cry at?
I don’t typically watch sad movies over and over but there are a few I have to watch to show other people and they get me every time! The Notebook, obviously.

Lars and the Real Girl. Have you seen this movie? Not a lot of people have. It’s amazing!!!

Titanic. What a lame girl, huh? I think it’s a mixture of the story and of the way I felt about the breakup I was going through when I watched it for the first time. I don’t really ever intend to watch it, but if it’s on TV, I can’t look away.

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