Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm supposed to do maths today but the mood dosent seem to be there.Being woken up this morning by the vibrations of 8 messages. ._. PUN la.Went studying with Dabor and Ojayy for the past two days and today's a break. Wanna go out again...dun feel like staying at home. =/ Went to play pool with Dabor, Ojayy, Ahgong and his friend on monday then went to Orchard then to Novena to buy Ojayy's sports shoe. Sent Ojayy back to Gombak and went home.Oh and my ezlink card went invalid suddenly ytd. Damn pissed trying to get coins. Have to go amk interchange to have it exchanged. Haven done so. Lazy. Zzz.

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