Monday, January 23, 2012

Music Monday - This Year's Love

My first two boyfriends were serious relationships back to back. One was throughout high school and the other was right after high school for a year and a half. When we broke up I vowed to stay single for a while. I dated a handful of guys (including my husband) and had a ton of fun being young and free.

Then I went off to college (I stayed in my home town for two years for junior college before I transferred to a university). I hung out with two guys but both of those flings ended quickly and left me feeling not so great. I think I imagined I’d go off to college, meet the love of my life, get married and have kids - just like the movies. But the guys I dated were not at all husband material. I was just having fun again. After they ended, I really started thinking that I was ready for a relationship.

Enter Jacob. He was my best friend. He expressed interest in me time and time again, and we dated off and on, but I always shot down the idea of getting serious with him. It might have been a combination of being homesick and feeling ready for a boyfriend, but one weekend while he was visiting me, I asked him if he wanted to give “us” a chance.

We lived 100 miles away from each other, but we talked on the phone every night, emailed between classes and saw each other twice a month. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. He was thoughtful and sweet and it almost felt too easy, but was it going to last? This song was on the radio at the time and said exactly what I was feeling. I still love it.

David Gray - This Year's Love
This year's love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
I've been waiting on my own too long
But when you hold me like you do
It feels so right oh now
I start to forget
How my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feeling like you can't go on
This year's love, it better last

Obviously, it lasted. Not that it wasn’t rough at times, but our ELEVEN year dating anniversary is this weekend, we've been married for five years and have two beautiful boys, so it was all worth it. I love you, Jacob.

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