Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ABC: Letter B for Jean Batten.

Jean Batten was a record setting female explorer and pioneer aviator who left her mark in aviation history.

A memorial and the Auckland International airport dedicated to Jean Batten.

That's me, trying to walk/fly in Jean's foot steps in a bi-plane , a tiger moth.

Jean Batten - Pioneer Pilot, New Zealand's number one daughter.

Adventurous, glamorous and daring, pilot Jean Batten's record-breaking flights between 1933 and 1937 made her possibly the most famous New Zealander of the decade. In October 1937, aged 28, Batten made her final long distance flight, from Australia to England in 5 days 18 hours. The flight set a solo record for pilots of either sex.

Batten's highly publicised long distance flights earned her international celebrity


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