Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cheers & Jeers

Cheers to good sitcoms! I love laughing out loud when I’m watching TV, but before this year there hasn’t been much to laugh about. I absolutely love newcomers Happy Endings, New Girl and Up All Night, along with my old favorites 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and Modern Family. I’m also still enjoying 2 Broke Girls and Whitney and Are You There, Chelsea got a little better last week. I’m so excited for the premier of Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23 after Modern Family on April 11. I love Krysten Ritter and James Van Der Beek playing James Van Der Beek? Awesome!

Cheers to Rachel Bilson’s rap! While it’s not nearly as good as Natalie Portman’s rap, Rachel’s is pretty funny. I love her and I love Hart Of Dixie so I thought it was cute, entertaining and adorable. I love The O.C. shout out.

Cheers to vacations! I’m going to Disneyland in February, Sacramento in March and doing a Tennessee/Missouri road trip in April. We'll hit Dollywood, Nashville, Graceland, Branson and St. Louis. There’s a possible trip to Atlanta in September also. I love vacations!

Cheers to Jennifer Aniston’s pregnancy!? Ok, not so fast. This is just a rumor, but I hope it’s true! Gossip sites would like you to believe there is a ton of evidence. She’s been skipping high profile parties, she stopped smoking, and she’s sporting a “six month” baby bump. I know, I know. I’m not usually one of those people who suspect a pregnancy when a star eats a cheeseburger. Also, most people gain weight when they quit smoking. And there’s no way she’s six months along with that tiny little “bump”. Plus, it could just be ill-fitting clothes or bad posture. I’d like to believe it’s true though, she would be such a cute mom! Team Aniston!

Cheers to Silent House! This is a remake of the 2010 Uruguayan movie La Casa Muda, based on real events that took place in the ‘40s. I’m excited. First, because I love Elizabeth Olsen. She was amazing in Martha Marcy May Marlene. Second, this looks like one of the scariest horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. And third, the movie is in real time and was shot in one take! Now that’s talent!

Cheers to Russell Brand! He’s writing another memoir. I’m a big fan of his first two books so of course I’ll pick this one up the day it’s released. It’s been reported that he’ll start where the last book left off and detail his relationship with Katy Perry. Ok, so maybe jeers? It’s kinda too soon to talk about her, right? I don’t care. I’m reading it!

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Jeers to Lana Del Rey. Did you see her on SNL? She was terrible! I really wanted to see her perform because I like a few of her songs. But she looked so uncomfortable, didn’t seem to be aware of her body and sang like she was half asleep. I previously thought her voice was deep, calm and interesting, but during her performance she couldn’t hit the low notes and sounded so bad when yodeling. I guess not everyone hated her though. Her EP was released on iTunes the day after SNL and it’s currently at number 12. Her full length album is out on January 31. Although she was terrible, I’m probably still going to check out more of her music.

Jeers to Taylor Swift as Eponine. They’re making a movie based on the musical Les Miserables and they offered Taylor the main character! I like Taylor, but I don't think she can pull this off. She won the part over Lea Michele, Scarlett Johansson and Evan Rachel Wood. I honestly don’t like those three for the part either, but at least they've acted before. Valentine’s Day doesn’t count. I also don’t think Taylor can sing that well. But I am excited about the movie and the rest of the cast: Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Sasha Baron Cohen, Aaron Tveit, Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter. Wow!

Jeers to Sh*t People Say. I LOVED Sh*t Girls Say and a few after that were kinda funny too, but now it’s just getting ridiculous. There’s black girls, black guys, Asian girls, Spanish girls, gay guys, black gays, single girls, drunk white girls, vegans, yogis, monks, nobody, and now Sh*t People Say While Watching Sh*t People Say Videos. Last week, during our snow storm, someone even created Sh*t Seattlites Say When It Snows. Ugh. I’m over it. But if you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen the original Sh*t Girls Say, watch episode 1 and 2 immediately.

Jeers to Marilyn Monroe tributes. I want to see My Week With Marilyn and from what I’ve seen and read it sounds like Michelle Williams did an amazing job channeling the late actress, but I think the recent tributes are played out. Time to get original, people!

(Lindsay Lohan, Blake Lively, Michelle Williams, Katharine McPhee)

Jeers to Heidi and Seal’s divorce. So sad! They were one of my favorite celebrity couples. They seemed to have it all figured out and were very vocal about their love for each other. They even renewed their wedding vows every year! They are responsible, classy people so I hope the split is clean for the sake of their children.

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