Saturday, January 28, 2012

weekend reflection, 7th day of Lunar new year.

I made 60 Siew mais, tiny morsels of pork and prawn dumplings for the Mt Albert Baptist church celebration. You can see the reflection in the stainless steel platter.

The Chinese/Lunar New year is celebrated for 15 days. Today is the seventh day. It is known as Rénrì (人日) or everyone's birthday), the day when everyone grows one year older. In West Malaysia and Singapore, Yu Sheng raw slivers of fish is mixed with various pickles and nuts. As they toss the salad, they raise the salad high with their chopsticks and say auspicious words.

When I was growing up, we always went to my Uncle Kok fei's house to celebrate his birthday. There was no mention of the Renri. I didn't know of this day until I went to Singapore.


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