Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dreaming Of A White Vacation

My husband is all about snowboarding. He just got back from a four day trip to Mt Hood in Oregon with nine other guys. They rented a house with one queen bed, some futons and eight bunk beds. Are you kidding me? Grown men in bunk beds? That’s not my idea of a vacation. He said they were just home at night to sleep, so it didn't matter.

I’ve been snowboarding twice. When Jacob and I first got together I thought I'd better give it a try. I got cute new clothes and gear and we drove up to Mt Baker at 6:00 am. Jacob strapped me up and basically said, "Go." He’s an awful teacher. Things come to him very easily and he’s always astonished when other people aren’t getting it. Not only was I slipping and sliding down a mountain with no direction, it also started raining. By 11:00 am I called it quits.

A few years later I tried again at Snoqualmie. I expressed my concerns with his teaching technique and he decided that I should go with another newbie and we could learn together, so my brother. He had never snowboarded or skied in his life, but being a sports star growing up, he caught on within 20 minutes. I hung out next to the kid’s class and tried to listen to the instructor without looking totally obvious. Around noon, my brother and I went up the lift and I fell getting off of it. Of course. We made it half way down the smallest run when I totally wiped out, somersault style, hurting my knee. I took off my board and walked it down the mountain.

I’ll never snowboard again. Jacob is just fine with that.

But I’m all for teaching my kids how to do it! We’ll just start them young, enroll them in lessons and they’ll be speeding down the slopes with their dad in no time. I can’t wait to go on these snowboard trips where the boys hit the mountain in the wee morning hours while I sleep in, read a book, watch a movie, sit by the fire in my pjs and have hot cocoa and a home cooked meal ready for them when they get back. Jacob and I have been to Lake Tahoe and Whistler, BC. Here are the other places we really want to visit.


Park City




I love the snow, but I don’t like being in it. I’ll take a walk, make a snowman or start a snowball fight, but after 30 minutes, I’m out. The great things about these hot spots are the cozy cabins and fancy hotels plus the adorable towns with great food and shopping!

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