Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thurs 10th Mar: Private View at The W Project

The various fun and games of the private view all caught on camera by Simon Archer Hurlstone who is always on hand to document the different "Work It" club nights and events the girl's organise. The dogtooth upholstered pyramid by Jiggery Pokery is an interactive sculpture where you can look inside a hole and enter a multicolour kaleidoscope that whizzes round with lights flashing to conjure the spectrum spell!
The exhibition is up for 2 more days culminating in an evening of events tomorrow. Elisha, Kim Howells and I will be screening our 4 fashion films with a Q&A session for all budding cinematic buffs. Catering will come care of "The Sit Down Affair" which is the culinary concept masterminded by illustrator Josephine Chime. If that's not enough to wet your appetite ........ Carolyn Franklin is also joining the proceedings with a presentation about her charity "All Walks Beyond The Catwalk". See you there!

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