Thursday, March 24, 2011

Skywatch Friday: New Zealand

Today, a student from Tanzania shared with my class the Citizenship ceremony she went to make her a Kiwi or New Zealander. I too, more than 20 years ago underwent this ceremony and chose this country to be my home.

You may have read my previous posts that I not only became a New Zealander, I became a Maori as well. Through my association with the NGATI WHATUA O ORAKEI. on Waitangi Day, on the invitation of their Heritage & Resource Manager Ngarimu Blair, I sleep in their Marae, learn the culture , eat their food, and help in their Zero Waste program. Their chief told us that we were now Maoris.

Maoris were the first people to come to New Zealand. Maori is one of 3 official language. At Pt Chevalier School, we are very lucky to have Mr. Matua Emerson Nikora to impart his knowledge and skill of the Maori language and culture.

The video includes: Tutira mai action song, toia mai action song , haere mai action song and ka mate haka

In time, our students will be singing and dancing like the professional dancers. Thanks Matua Emerson.

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