From Dragoness' Utterances, by diane e. dreyfus: http://didreyfus.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/harvard-and-montessori-meet-at-lake-atitlan/#comment-165
"Two nights ago, I met an art historian and a psychologist, here, who generously shared about their work in several communities around Lake Atitlan. They are both proponents of Harvard’s Project Zero http://www.pz.harvard.edu/. The art historian, Maribel Rivero Socarras had worked with the concepts of David Perkins in fostering “visual thinking” in children before she joined the team of four others, working with Guatamala’s Fundosistemas. (http://www.transformacionlocal.org/) Maria Jose Matheu, the psychologist, facilitates parent training and teacher evaluations. Together, this group is positively impacting about 4,000 indigenous (K-12) students."
More: http://didreyfus.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/harvard-and-montessori-meet-at-lake-atitlan/
I want to build a school on some of my (very small) building lots, and am interested in finding out more. I was thinking classes for art, music, dance, beading, computers and construction using recycled building materials. I hope to be working with LongWayHomeInc.org using used tires, rammed earth, plastic bottles filled with dirt, sand or adobe.
Could Harvard and Montessori help here?
Diane's response: "Harvard Project Zero and Montesorri are pedagogical methods so you can USE or ADAPT them as you please."
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