Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend Reflection: Our reliance on Electricity

On Tuesday, after work, I pulled in to my gas station to pump my petrol. There was a sign," EFTPOS not working, cash only."

EFTPOS is the general term used in New Zealand for debit card based systems used for processing transactions through terminals at points of sale.

I looked inside my wallet, I had only five dollars. I drove off upset with myself that I have allowed myself to be a cashless person, and upset that the gas station has allowed their EFTPOS system to fail. I didn't want to drive to an ATM machine to withdraw some money just in case all the EFTPOS system is down.

You might say I was paranoid, such things don't happen. I drove home risking running completely out of petrol.

I got home, my son said, " Mum, Earthquake in Christchurch again."
We just had one in September. When I watched on TV, it was like a war zone. All the power were down.

Through out this week, I had been teaching my students the results of the earthquake. In fact, even my little 8 year olds were teaching me. I encouraged them to write and draw a card each which I hope to compile into a book.

No water, No drinking water, No shower, No flushing.
No Power, No cooking, No food. NO TV, No radio, No phone, No lights, No heater
No Money, No Shopping,
People die, people get hurt, people runaway.

The lists go on and on.

How terrifying it is. My poor young students, in six months, they witness 3 calamities.

My photos are for you to reflect if there is no electricity.

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