Friday, February 18, 2011

Guatemala NGO / foundation research db, by EntreMundos and Proyecto GT

About this Database a collaborative work between EntreMundos and Proyecto GT, is a free online resource designed to assist local NGOs and community groups in Guatemala search for funding opportunities both nationally and internationally. This database was originally designed in 2007 by Michael Norman, CEO of Proyecto GT, and its contents researched, input and regularly updated by EntreMundos staff.


* Agricultura ( 7 items )
* Animales ( 1 items )
* Arte ( 6 items )
* Afiliación Religiosa ( 8 items )
* Ayuda Humanitaria ( 8 items )
* Derechos Humanos ( 14 items )
* Desarrollo ( 37 items )
* Educación ( 24 items )
* General ( 3 items )
* Indígenas ( 14 items )
* Juventud ( 18 items )
* Medio Ambiente ( 25 items )
* Micro Crédito ( 2 items )
* Mujeres ( 19 items )
* Organizaciones Políticas ( 3 items )
* Pobreza ( 15 items )
* Salud ( 23 items )
* Salud Sexual y Reproductiva ( 10 items )
* Sociedad Civil/ONGs ( 12 items )
* Tecnología ( 3 items )

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