Thursday, February 17, 2011

Will You Marry Me?

So as of late, for whatever reason... (I'm sure there's a sly smirk in there somewhere)... I have been looking at... yep, you guessed it! Engagement Rings. Now, I have no plans to get married anytime soon, nor would I expect a question like that to leave my lover's lips in the near future, but I am absolutely captivated by these rings I found whilst browsing Etsy!

Madelynn from OneGarnetGirl at Etsy makes the most beautiful, *inexpensive* ($68-1,840) rings. And they're not all hoity toity- Tiffany's & Co.- quintessential engagement rings- they're rings with their own unique style and yes even imperfections that I believe embody love so perfectly!
These ring make me want to be proposed to!

Here's just a few of my favorites:
#1 stunna ^
rock star ^
ain't nothin kate middleton has on it ^
And she even makes this clever necklaces, rings, etc. with your zodiac sign in it ^

So if ya like it, then you should put a ring on it, cuz i'm head over heels in love with these!

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