Monday, February 28, 2011

Pretty People

I ran across these images of my favorite pretty people and had to share.

These promo photos of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway from Love and Other Drugs are so cute!

Britney’s video for Hold It Against Me premiered over a week ago.
The video isn’t my favorite, but it’s fun to look at and Brit looks amazing!

Christina Hendricks always photographs well whether she’s going for a sexy, fun or vintage feel. Love her!

And here are my quick thoughts on the Oscars: I liked the stage, I love everything Alec ever does, Anne was really annoying and over the top, I can’t take James seriously with his grin and lisp, Gwyneth needs to stop singing, the “musicals” montage was hilarious (especially the last song), Christian’s speech was great, Natalie’s was too (finally) and she looked perfect, I’m so happy for Aaron Sorkin and for all the awards for The King’s Speech!

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