Monday, October 4, 2010

Music Monday - If You Were Here

I saw the movie Easy A opening weekend and it was good! Emma Stone is adorable and funny and surprisingly so was the rest of the cast. I’ve been waiting for a good high school comedy since Mean Girls and this was totally it. Emma Stone IS the new Lindsay Lohan and I can’t wait to see what else she does.

The music in the movie was so great too. The Cary Brothers have been featured in tons of movies and tv shows, but this has to be my favorite song from them. It was played a few times in the movie and I love it.

The Cary Brothers - If You Were Here

If you were here I could deceive you
And if you were here you would believe
But would you suspect my emotion wandering, yeah
Do not want a part of this anymore

Does it sound familiar to you, too? That’s because it’s a cover of song in another amazing high school movie. Check it out.

The Thompson Twins - If You Were Here

They are both so good in totally different ways. Go see the movie! You'll love it.

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